It’s taken me five weeks to surrender to the unknown … and the stillness, confinement and perpetual reality of what we have all been thrusted into. To accept the wildfire, flames and the eerily remarkable impact of COVID-19.
While I cannot tell you how long this will last, I can tell you that “even in the midst of things, we will triumph over them all, for God has made us conquerors giving us victory over everything.” That includes victory over COVID-19, and victory over our daily habits, time and the routines we develop — the latter of which serving as the ingredients that builds and contributes to our lives. As such, I wanted to share with you an example of a day that allows me to stay rested, rejuvenated and productive while I #stayathome and practice social distancing. It marked the beginning of truly taking charge of my days at home while in quarantine — So if this speaks to you and you need some inspiration, I got you.
Here’s a breakdown of my typical work-day as I balance working full-time, being an entrepreneur and staying sane in the middle of a pandemic:
8:00 a.m. Wake up, give thanks and read the Bible app scripture of the day (whew, thank GOD for this app!)
8:05 a.m. Spend time with God through prayer and conversation, thanking Him for allowing myself and my loved ones to see another day, while asking Him to guide my mind, tongue, actions and steps throughout the day
8:15 a.m. Drink a glass of lemon water, with a pinch of ACV for a superpower cocktail of health and goodness
8:20 a.m. Do a full-body stretch to get my blood flowing, followed by a quick ab and leg workout, along with push-ups
8:40 a.m. Shower, breakfast and podcast time. Then get dressed, and throw on some mascara, concealer and lipgloss. Promise all of the above will make you feel good, and will make a difference in how you show up for the day.
p.s. I’ve been living in my ‘Then, God Made Woman’ sweatshirt and ‘God Thinks I Am’ sweatpants as my WFH and loungewear attire. LOVE! They’re both so soft and comfy
9:30 a.m. Emails, phone calls and Zoom meetings for my corporate agency job in advertising
12:30 p.m. Prepare my lunch (usually a salad) and protein smoothie to fuel, then post social media content for GTIA. Afterwards, squeeze in a quick 15 minute power nap or go for a walk
1:30 p.m. Finish the second half of the work day strong, making sure to reach out to God when I need extra strength
5:30 p.m. REST + NO PHONE TIME
6:30 p.m. Prepare dinner, and begin doing more work for GTIA
8:00 p.m. Light a candle, put on a fire playlist, watch the sunset, and enjoy dinner with the beverage of my choice. Right now, it’s a light Rose’
9:00 p.m. Netflix and chill watching one of my favorite shows, dance to an upbeat song I love, catch-up on some reading and/or connect with a friend or loved one
10:30 p.m. Take a few minutes to meditate on the good of the day and on the life I want to create, while operating in a spirit of gratitude
Pro-tip: Do this while wearing your favorite face mask for glowing, smooth skin. Bare Skin Facial and Waxing Studio has an amazing one I love. DM them for recommendations based on your skin needs
11:00 p.m. Freshen up, rest, relax and set my intentions for the next day
EDITOR’S NOTE: I want to balance this article by saying it’s totally okay, and equally important to REST just as much as you work. If taking 3 naps in a day makes you feel good, then by all means go right ahead and do so. But however you choose, please take this season to heal, reflect and draw closer to God. Ask him what He needs you to do with this time. And, if you’re blessed to do so, I encourage you to give to those in need (in whichever way you feel led). Because quite frankly, being there for one another is an opportunity for us all to be a light, and to point people to God. So ask yourself — How can God use me as an instrument of good?
Also, if you’re looking to be entertained, informed or inspired, check out some of my top picks in the streaming, podcast, music and life enhancement categories below:
Schitts Creek
Self-Made: Inspired by the Story of Madame C.J. Walker
Married at First Sight
The Clark Sisters: First Ladies of Gospel
Queen of the South
School Daze
Pretty Little Fire
Joel Osteen
Cheddar’s Need2Know
The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
NPR Up First
Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations
Higher Thoughts Meditation Playlist
90s and 2000s Playlist
Alex Isley
Lucky Daye
Waldo, Savon, Sango
Mac Ayres
DJ D-Nice Club Quarantine
Take a nice warm bath
Delete pictures from your phone
Organize your closet, and start sorting which clothes you plan to give away
Learn another language via the Duolingo app
Schedule a Zoom happy hour
Check out a new, online Airbnb experience
Paint your nails
Drive to the most scenic spot in the city, or your dream neighborhood
Do some online shopping and support some of your favorite, local small businesses
Let me know what you think about these ideas! More importantly, please continue to stay safe!
Lots of love + many blessings to you,
founder, God Thinks I Am
p.s. Shop our GTIA Loungewear Collection to stay chic, comfy and inspired at home! A portion of all proceeds will be donated to the Downtown Women’s Center on Skid Row in Los Angeles.